I was always there

i was right here, 34 weep day

u went around the world
over bladed mountain ridges and across seas
seeking to find ‘me’ and I was right here
right there at u
and u never seem to even recognize my presence

u went into foreign lands; temples, samarth, monasteries  too
met and sit with the gurus, monks and  shamans.
to edge out what had already being put into u
gloried on what I had already taught u
but gave all credit elsewhere
and the truth layered within u.

i say, i say;  u had it from the womb
even before conception
and like I told u
I was right here with u
all the time

I had already;  the yoga moves u had from Tibet
the tai chi – reiki on the ships brought from Africa
yes, and don’t forget India,
the european  crusade cross formations of a thousand years
u still chasing green ‘bills’, it seems
I was right here all the time
I been tucked away inside u
u never bother to come down my aisle
my eyes grew big every time u came near
then in a fleeting moment; u gone off to another thrill

sometimes u cover my month, my eyes and even my heart
constantly stepping in front of yourself
blocking your own healing path
I would have supplied your needs freely, in joy
yet u paid the price of rubies for what we already had

I wept on forgotten avenue
on the 34th day
weeping on forgotten avenue
on day thirty four


Link to Zack’s Book on Kindle:
